Thursday, April 28, 2011

. . memey. .

There strategies to study English
There are three strategies to study English. First, enrich our vocab. We must memorize as many vocabularies as we can. We can make a vocab book because that makes memorizing easier. Second, learn to understand grammar and do exercise everyday. And the last strategy is try to practice our English wherever and whenever we are. With our boyfriend or our friend, we can improve our English with vocab, grammar, and practice.

Three Plans After Graduation
I have three plans after graduation. First, I’m going to get good job with good salary. Second, I will get married. An the last, one is I have a small house and happily with my family. These are my plans after graduation and I hope that will be true.

Three Things I Love about Islam
I have three things that I love about Islam. Firstly, Al Quran is holy book of Muslim, that makes a light of life. Secondly, Rasulullah saw who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness and he has raised women degrees up to three levels. The last one is veil it can protect the women from weakness. That’s all the three things I love about Islam.

1 comment:

  1. There strategies to study English

    how to write the title. ??? mmememem.


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