Sunday, June 5, 2011


Making fried sweet potato – meat is easy if we know the kinds of materials and the steps to make it. These are materials and the steps :
  • First, fry red and white onion while whisking until it smells good. 
  • Second, put polished meat. Whisk until the color changes. 
  • Third, add tea spoonful of salta half tea spoon of pepper and sugar then flat whisk. 
  • After that, add the leaves of onion, whisk until the spices penetrate and then adopt. 
  • Next,whisk the sweet potatoes, Maize flour, tea spoonful of salt until flat take thirty grams of sweet potatoes mixture, then flatten it. 
  • Next, take the spoon of stuffing, form oval with the trip sharp and pointed. 
  • Finally, fry until it gets brown. So you can enjoy it.

Muslikhah jazuly
SI/B 10150068

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Boleh Komen tapi jangan nyepam..